Wednesday, January 12, 2011

meet the zoo

meet the zoo.
bandit, 12 year old, black lab/? mix, he is the most beloved member of the family and definitely the king of the castle.
mischief, 5 year old, rescue kitty, we got her from the shelter when she was a kitten. she gets into trouble regularly hence her name.
fitz, 18 mo old, rescue kitty, that came home one day from the grocery store (i have 3 little girls at home and they have the best sad faces ever).
tango, 9 year old, cockatiel, who can say pretty bird, and whistle songs, but chooses instead to do medleys of his own choosing that appear to most to be unrecognizable.
so as not to offend any of the fish population we do have a rather large gold fish in my 6 year old's room, but his name changes at her whim and the only interaction i have with it, is that i feed it every night at bedtime and clean it when it gets too green in the tank. and last but not least...
harley, our 4 month old ?/? mix, that we rescued at 5 weeks old. the speculation has been that he is everything from a lab/shepherd to a bernese mountain dog.

so now that you met the zoo come back and visit us again soon!

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